Globalisation as part of the every- day experience of life has been part of human history since the 16th cen- tury, when the marketplace that was the Netherlands stretched to the Spice Islands of what we now call Southeast Asia.
Democracy is a form of anti-funda- mentalism; its wisdom and openness resist monolithic certitudes. In times of rapid and hurtful change, grow- ing inequality and the erosion of national authority by global powers, the appeal of fundamentalist doctrines demands a steady refusal not to reply i kind. Global tenorism depends on the success of globalisation. In fact one may very conceive of global ter- rorism as a facet of the global culture resulting from globalisation.
Contents:-Consequences of Globa- lisation: Contextualizing; Terrorism; Islam and the Policy of Terrorism; Analysis of Modern Terrorism; Con- stitutional Democracy: Terrorism and Disciplines; The Future of Globalisation; The Politics of Terr- orism; Democracy and the Interna- tional System; Human Rights and the Evil of Terrorism; The Anti-Terrorisma Legislations and Bibliography.
9789380138473 Rs. 800.00
Terrorism--Political Aspects Terrorism--Social aspects Southeast Asia Democracy