Democratizing the Police : Indian Scenario
Rao, G.R.S.
Democratizing the Police : Indian Scenario G.R.S. Rao - New Delhi Shipra 2013 - 210p. 20 x 14 x 4 cm
This book is all about what, why and how of transformation of the Police as a sine qua non for the police to be able to aid, protect and promote the democratic character of the nation.
9788175416819 Rs.650.00
353.360954 / RAO
Democratizing the Police : Indian Scenario G.R.S. Rao - New Delhi Shipra 2013 - 210p. 20 x 14 x 4 cm
This book is all about what, why and how of transformation of the Police as a sine qua non for the police to be able to aid, protect and promote the democratic character of the nation.
9788175416819 Rs.650.00
353.360954 / RAO